12 June 2019

The Second Swift Awareness Week



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The second ever Swift Awareness Week (SAW 2019) is taking place from 22nd to 30th June. There are over 100 events across the UK, and Hackney has its own event on Thursday 27th June, when you can watch swifts on a walk through Clapton from The Elderfield pub on Elderfield Road (E5 0LF), meet from 7pm for a 7:30pm departure and there’s a £5 suggested donation to Hackney Swifts Group. Email hackneyswifts@gmail.com if you wish to attend.

SAW 2019 website: Swift Awareness Week 2019

Twitter: @swiftsweek 

Swifts have been seen around De Beauvoir since the 1st May and numbers are building as the juvenile birds arrive from early June onwards. It’s hard to compare one season to another as swifts can be very elusive but there have already been very good numbers at times. The swifts will be hoping for another scorching year like 2018 – plenty of insects to hunt! Let’s hope for more spectacular flocks around the church tower like last year.

In addition to the church, there are more than 30 nestboxes for swifts around De Beauvoir so plenty to keep the young and unattached birds interested. The Benyon Estate have installed several internal and external nestboxes already as part of their home refurbishments and will be installing more external nestboxes at the house refurbishment on De Beauvoir Road and the new-build development for the Hackney New Primary School on Kingsland Road. 

We are looking forward to seeing you on 27 June!